We got to Missouri in August with hardly any hiccups. We had a blast going to the Cadillac Ranch In Texas. If you have never heard of the Cadillac Ranch it is something that you will need to see. It is a bunch of Cadillac that have been buried in the ground. Not buried all the way just the front end has been buried.You can take spray paint with you and spray paint your names, pictures, or just graffiti the cars as you want. We did not bring any spray paint ourselves but a very generous family let us have theirs as they were leaving the ranch. it is not really like a "Ranch that has animals" it is just a bunch of Cadillacs in the ground nothing else around it.
Here are some of the pictures I was able to take before the camera battery died on us. It was a lot of fun and Dewey loved being able to help Daddy spray paint our names.
Right before we went to the Ranch we were pumping gas and I was standing next a gas nozzle talking to John and Dewey was messing around. He knocked a gas nozzle off the hook that hangs on onto the top of my foot. It felt like my foot had been broken and it swelled up instantly. As you can see it looks like a growth was on my foot. Up until a few days ago my foot still hurt when i won't try to bent my toes forward.
When we got to Mo (Missouri) the weather was very humid. It was so humid outside that we had to use the defroster and the wipers to wipe all the dew off the window. It was so cold in the car that the outside temp was fogging our windows up. I had never seen this before and I thought this is very weird. It rained off and on the first week we were here, which made the humidity off the chart ridiculousness. We got a storage unit and all of our house stuff into to in one day. I am still finding stuff that I think I should have kept that stuff in the house not in storage.
The kids have been outside playing a lot. Thanks to Jacqui Baldaras we have a police car and John Deere tractor that they ride a lot. They are having a fun time too.
I still have not found a job yet. I have applied for a couple of jobs at the local hospital with little to no feedback on them. I think that I might have to get a job at Dollar tree or a Customer Service place in order to start earning money for my family to start our life here in Mo. Please pray for my family and I as we try to make the best of life here in Mo. I know that we will love it here we just need to start planting our roots in the ground here.
I hope you guys are doing well and we are trying to make it back into California in December for Christmas.